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Oil on Canvas
36" x 48"

An expression of intense Concentration compliments the pose both comfortable and uncensored - paint brush clenched between teeth, dangling from lips which can be interpreted as phallic or provocative or just an absentminded means to hold the brush. Sexual undertones are intentionally present; the choices to be depicted nude, to excentuate articulated curls and flushed lips are questioned by uncensored body hair, and an intense and concentrated expression that looks past the viewer almost ignoring their presence. These choices counterpoint the sexual undertone, as if to say “my sexuality is a part of who I am but it has nothing to do with you.” This is an unconscious afterthought or perhaps a deliberate tease and rejection, blurring the role of the viewer between sexualized voyeurism and an uncomfortable intrusion into a private moment where the viewer is apathetically dismissed.

"Uncensored...but not for you"

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